By Christy North Whether you’re moving to a new side of town or moving across the country (or beyond), getting settled in a new city can always be a little nerve-racking. Here are seven ways Temple University students can make this new change and this new place feel a little more like home. 1. Get...Read More
By Monika Tsimbalov Things To Do Villa Borghese It’s like the Central Park of Rome. Huge park where you can picnic, rent Segways/bikes, or just escape the city life. It’s my favorite part of Rome, maybe because there are palm trees. You can usually catch a weird show there like a bunch of Italian kids having...Read More
Moving to Europe means drinking a lot more wine… At every occasion, there is an opportunity to indulge in its accents and notes. Rosé, Red, white, how do you know which fits you better? Take our quiz to find out which wine fits your tastes and needs. [interact id=”5c205ecd90be610013c2a7f5″ type=”quiz”] Need more travel tips? Enter...Read More
By Madison Krigbaum / Originally posted on Everyone knows that Italy is responsible for some of the best food in the world. Take it from someone who’s lived there, it’s true. Although not the place to go if you’re buying into the low-carb craze, Rome has more than its fair share of delicious Italian...Read More
A theme park boasting the best of Italy’s pizza, pasta, pastries, and all the cheese, FICO Eataly World seems like it may be a product of your wildest carb dreams. The cool news? (FICO is slang for cool in Italian, after all.) This massive Italian food and wine paradise based right outside Bologna is not...Read More
Being in the capital of Italy has so many advantages and opportunities. The eternal city will forever be located in a spot that offers so many ways to go on last minute adventures, study breaks, and little day trips. Call em’ whatever you like, here are our Best Day Trips from Rome: Cinque Terre Journey...Read More
By: Peter Gerolamo Rome has an endless supply of bars, restaurants, and cafes to choose from. From quick stop-and-go cafes to formal dining, you can find basically everything under the sun in the Eternal City. As a student living in Prati, I did most of my shopping and eating near my residence. As a college...Read More
To fall break or not to fall break? That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer, planning a ten day trip alone, or to take arms against a sea of planning troubles, and by opposing, end them. This excerpt from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, truly raises a question of deep thought. Leaves are...Read More
By: Dylan Cavaliere There is much to say about the Eternal City. With architecture that’s spanned thousands of years and beauty around every corner, it’s hard to capture all the sights of Rome in one list. With that said, here are seven of the spots around town that just feel particularly different (and better) when...Read More
By Nicole Souza Well known for its pasta, pizza, and gelato, on my spring break, I was lucky enough to travel all throughout Italy through the Bus2alps Best of Italy trip, trying all different sorts of delicious foods. But Italy’s well-known basics aren’t the only things you have to eat when you go. Here’s a...Read More
By Trenna Hopson So, it’s almost a new year and you’re probably looking back on this year thinking, “Where did 2015 go?” Let’s face it, this year has flown by. If you’re one of the lucky and dedicated few who stuck to your New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2015, then my hat is off...Read More
by Sierra Frost Rome—the world’s largest, most beautiful tourist trap. Between the Coliseum, the Vatican, and a church named Santa Maria on every street corner, there is seemingly no escape from the hustle and bustle of the tourists, long lines, and selfie sticks. Trastevere, however, is your out. Just over the bridge and west of...Read More