By Taylor Gilmore Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity if you want it to be, but there are plenty of ways to make it just the beginning of your time spent abroad. Although your responsibilities may be different than your semester studying and traveling abroad with your friends, it’s worth considering working,...Read More
Your Next International Adventure? Teaching English Abroad. Do you love international travel and visiting new countries? Would you like to get paid to live in Italy, Thailand or Costa Rica? Do you want to boost your resume and gain new skills? If you’re looking for your next international adventure, you might want to consider teaching...Read More
Take a chance, grab an adventure. Four years, ten years, 45 years later you will never regret it. This summer you will be given the opportunity of a lifetime, one that, contrary to popular belief, does not include a suit and briefcase. Seize the opportunity and take a trip to Europe, drive cross-country, trek...Read More