By Tena Elman “It feels like we just got here. I can’t believe how fast time flew.” These thoughts have unfortunately been running through our minds the past few weeks. We are all aware that life after fall break is here and in full motion. No one wants to hear it. Is there anything we...Read More
Your Next International Adventure? Teaching English Abroad. Do you love international travel and visiting new countries? Would you like to get paid to live in Italy, Thailand or Costa Rica? Do you want to boost your resume and gain new skills? If you’re looking for your next international adventure, you might want to consider teaching...Read More
By Jenna Intersimone As we enter into single-digit days of our time left here in Italy, we are often asked these questions… What was the coolest thing you did? What was your favorite place you visited? What’s the craziest thing that happened? I feel like I speak for everyone when I say that when someone...Read More