Why You Shouldn’t Go to Cinque Terre

By Madlyn Thone

Visiting 5 cities along the Liguria Coastline seems like the biggest waste of time.


It hasn’t been your desktop background for like ever or anything…


Who needs a fresh fruit margarita on the beach in Monterosso anyways?

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Speaking of the beach… can they get any more unappealing?


Kayaking, paddle boarding, snorkeling—why waste your time!?


The “birthplace of pesto and focaccia?” Yuck.


The hike from Vernazza to Monterosso will literally leave you breathless and disgustingly sweaty.

Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Liguria, Italy, May 2005. Built against the steep cliffs of the Ligurian coast of Italy, lie the five villages of the Cinque Terre. Ancient hiking trails connecting the villages offer some of Italy's most spectacular views. Photo by Frits Meyst/Adventure4ever.com

Seriously, not worth it…


I mean look, it’s nothing special.

Santa Margherita Church and Colourful Buildings at Dusk Vernazza

I’ve had better seafood at Long John Silver’s.


Seafood cones just shouldn’t be a thing.


I would rather wander the aisles of WalMart than the streets of this place.


Or eat in front of my TV than with a view like this.


Swimming in the neighborhood pool is probably way better than the ocean along the Italian Rivieria.

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Your friends won’t be jealous at all so don’t even bother posting to Instagram.


Clearly Cinque Terre really just has nothing to offer.


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