By Samantha Jacobs
It’s almost spring break, and you’re in Europe. The basics back in the States are blowing up your group messages with talks about Cancun or booze cruises to the Bahamas. Just when FOMO starts to set in, you realize that you have a whole new continent and limited days to explore it. Now what?
You flip open your laptop and start assessing your options. It doesn’t take long to realize that the number of possibilities before you are infinite. What do you do, where do you start, how can you travel to every city on your list? Before you let that anxiety turn into a panic attack, slow down, breathe, and know that we’ve narrowed down the 5 cities you can’t leave Europe without seeing:
You think you know what Barcelona is like and then it turns out to be much, much more than you anticipated. The architecture of Gaudi is the most stunning thing you’ll ever see in your life. The beautiful views from Park Guell, sandy walks along the beaches and Las Ramblas will leave you feeling giddy.
The food here is amazing, and the brunch will probably get more likes than you on social media. And of course—the nightlife. Barcelona is famously known for their exclusive clubs and endurance to party into the early morning hours.
Next, we head to Paris… I mean, it’s Paris. The Eiffel Tower lighting up every hour on the hour each night is enough to make you tear up. It’s a city where you think, “wow, I’m here. I made it.” It’s a huge city with so many things to do and see (and amazing macaroons).
Brussels is only an afternoon pit stop, but that’s all the time you need to fill up on fries, waffles and amazing chocolate (all things Belgium are all the best kinds of things).
You’ll stop by Delirium- the Guinness Book of World Records winner for the bar with the most beers on tap in the world. You’ll also have time to check out the Grand-Place, complete with its famous bell tower and gold ornamented buildings.
Next stop: Amsterdam…obsessed. You’ll get swept away first by the bustling nightlife and liberal culture, but then you walk a few blocks and suddenly you’re on a quiet canal street. There are also so many different activities to pursue while in Amsterdam.
You can check out the Red Light District, stop for a canal tour, explore the history inside the Anne Frank house, dig through cool thrift shops, and find bike rentals around every corner (I’m convinced that there are more bikes than people in this city.) Oh, and the stop everyone anticipates; The Heineken Experience. Everyone falls in love with Amsterdam.
Then, we head to Berlin—the mecca for WWII and Cold War history in Europe. Although it’s somewhat newer of a city due to destruction during WWII, its culture is still unique and constantly evolving. Standing at the Berlin wall and the Holocaust memorial is humbling.
Berlin is home to many museums too. Overall, Berlin is a very international city, and you’ll be able to witness this through all the many different cuisines from traditional German to Asian Wok to Mexican and beyond.
If you want to see these cities during your spring break, visit to take a look at our travel itineraries.
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