Bus2alps got the semester underway over the last two weekends with our first trips to Interlaken.  Although it was early and many students still had not arrived to Europe, we still have had close to two hundred eager kids ready to ski, party and get extreme.  There was no way Bus2alps was going to stay in Florence, Rome and Barca when there were so many people keen to get a taste of the Swiss Alps. Cancel the first trips of the semester? Not at Bus2alps.

Fortunately for us the weather gods decided to be kind and it has been and sunshine and/or powder most of the time.  The town of Interlaken is a beautiful place, and when bathed in sunshine, it’s even better!  There has also been plenty of snow on the mountain and the Bus2alps crew have been able to guide the guests to the powder stashes that are hidden from those lacking local knowledge.

Skydiving, paragliding and Canyon Jumping have all proved extremely popular and a good number of students have opted to get the adrenalin flowing.  Be sure to keep your eyes posted to your friend’s facebook accounts as everyone is sure to be posting up their action packed pictures and videos soon.  Other Bus2alps guests have decided to make the most of Interlaken’s multiple hiking trails and set off into the mountains to get a birds-eye view of the town.

Once the sun goes down, the adrenalin pumping activities do not stop.   Huge numbers of guests have been hurtling through a moonlit Swiss forest on the ever popular night sledding expedition.  The experience is then capped off with cheese fondue, followed by wine, wine and more wine.  After that it’s off to Balmer’s Metro Bar to get the party started.

Saturday night always sees a full house of Bus2alps crew and Interlaken locals pack out the bar for a wild night. Balmer’s certainly lives up to its reputation as Interlaken’s No.1 nightspot and is packed out till the early hours of the morning. Luckily at Bus2alps we stay right upstairs so gaining entry is never a problem.

To see more pics of the past weekends join the bus2alps group on facebook and also the fan page

Bus2alps Fan page

Bus2alps Facebook Group

If you still have not been to Interlaken, don’t despair. We have plenty more trips going up this semester from all over Europe.

We also have trips to Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Munich and many more coming up…

And don’t forget out Greece Spring Break and Northern Loop Trips. Easily the best value for money well guided trips out there.

Check out for all the upcoming trips.

Bus2alps….Wanna ride?

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