Why Travel Is The Best Gift to Give

By Yasi Agah

It’s the holiday season! Time to cuddle up by the fire with hot chocolate and Elf playing in the background because seriously, who doesn’t love Elf? But with the joy that comes with the holidays also comes the hard part of buying everyone presents. How are you supposed to find something special for everyone in your life?

You can put a price tag on any material item — but you can’t put one on the experience of seeing the world unfold before your eyes. If you really want to get a perfect gift for someone, get them travel. Here is why travel is the best gift to give:  

It’s priceless 

How could you put a price on diving into the Mediterranean Sea? Or making snow angels in the Swiss Alps? These are experiences that not many people can do in their lifetime. If you can afford to give someone a lifelong memory like traveling, do it! It’s something they will remember forever. 

It’s educational

Traveling is not only fun and adventurous but it can be a learning experience too. Whether you’re experiencing a new culture for the person time, picking up a new language, or even just learning how to travel, you’re going to learn something new. 

It’s the most personal gift you could give

It’s really hard finding a perfect gift for everyone in your life, especially since people are so different. Your cousin loves art, but what kind of artwork could you get them that they would really love and want? Instead of desperately searching for that perfect artwork, take them to a place where they can see a whole city inspired by art, like Paris.  It’s a more personal gift to give because you’re giving them an entire destination instead of a measly piece of art you found at a second-hand shop. Besides everyone usually has a bucket-list of places they want to go to. 

In the end, material items come and go. But memories from traveling? That will last forever. If you want to give someone a memory they will cherish, then give them the gift of travel. Check out some of our trips at Bus2alps if you want to gift someone with the perfect destination. 


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