By Kathleen Watz
Being a vegetarian or a vegan can be challenging when you’re in a place that is unfamiliar to you. Travelling can especially be one of those times where But don’t worry, if you are dedicated and vigilant, it is possible and many people have done it and continue to do it. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are a vegetarian or vegan who is traveling to Europe.
Get a Kitchen
When looking into places to stay, while it can be a bit difficult, it is important to find somewhere that has a place to cook. It can be cheaper than going out and definitely give you less of a headache when trying to sustain a certain eating habit. Hostels have a communal kitchen where you can use pots, pans, and other eating utensils.
Local Markets
Fruits and vegetables are not only good for you but they can delicious if bought in the right setting. Local markets or farmers markets are always a good option for someone who is trying buy fresh from local farmers in the region and it can be a nice time to walk around the city or town you’re in.
While out walking and adventuring around Europe packing snacks is a good idea.
Instead of powering through the hunger or frantically looking for something you can eat, pack your own snacks to avoid the fuss. This can be a cheaper option and often healthier for you.
Happy Cow
Being a vegetarian or vegan in Europe, there’s an app for that! Happy Cow is an online service that lists foods that are acceptable for vegetarians and vegans to eat. It can help you find restaurants near to where you are and can be a very useful tool when you are not sure where to turn to.
Learning The Right Words
Learning certain words in a variety of languages, specifically the countries you plan to travel to, that convey that you are a vegetarian or vegan is important. Instead of using hand gestures or expecting other people to understand, meet them halfway and generally, people are understanding and will work with you to make sure you experience is as pleasant as possible.
Just be patient and stick to your gut! It is possible but it can add a small challenge which can make you even stronger!
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