The Bus2alps Why We Ride Blog Contest…
Get your quill and paper out and get ready to be featured on Europe’s top student travel agency’s blog!
Bus2alps presents the ‘Why We Ride’ Blog Contest. Bus2alps is on the lookout for students wanting to show off their linguistic skills. Whether you’re an aspiring novelist or someone who likes to share their thoughts with friends and family back home, we want your stories, and we’re offering free travel for the best.
Easy work, free travel, the chance to be the next Perez Hilton? Why woudn’t you enter…
You never know, it could be your ticket to the cheapest trip ever.
How it works
- Blog entries must be 1000 words or less
- Multiple blogs per person are allowed
- Each prize can only be claimed by one person
- Each entry must be posted on your personal blog, linked to the Bus2alps Facebook Fan Page, and submitted with blog link to [email protected]
Criteria for Blog
- Contestants are to upload entries to their personal blog, share it on the Bus2alps Fan Page and submit blog link to [email protected]
- After uploaded, contestants are to post the link to the Bus2alps fan page (
- All entries must have a direct link to the Bus2alps website when mentioning Bus2alps
- All blog entries must be tagged with the following labels
- Bus2alps
- Student Travel
- Student Travel <city you are studying in>
- The destination
- Study Abroad
- Bus2alps review
- The contestant must state the following in their entry
- The Bus2alps destination they are in
- Why you ride with Bus2alps
- Why the Bus2alps trip enhanced your experience
- And of course any other funny stories or experience you had
- Entries do not need to be professionally written
- Entries must include at least one photo from the trip
- Once your blog is submitted, Bus2alps will feature the blog on our Why We Ride sub-category
- Deadline for submission is March 31st
- Finalists will be determined by number of “likes”, quality of comments, votes, and by a review panel of Bus2alps staff
- Likes, comments and votes can accrued once the blog has been submitted and posted on the Bus2alps blog
- Bus2alps will share the direct link to your blog post so that you can instantly begin sharing it with your friends
- Finalists will be determined by a panel of Bus2alps judges, partially based on total likes and comments
- 5 finalists will be determined
- Winner will be determined by the most votes acquired in the finals period (lasting 3 days)
- The best Why We Ride will receive a free Bus2alps weekend trip of their choice for them and a friend and Bus2alps t-shirt
- All finalists will receive a 20% discount on a future Bus2alps trip and free t-shirt