
summer break

With one Northern Loop completed, one in progress and two on the way, Bus2alps has Berlin on the mind.  Our Northern Loop fall/spring break trip hits up Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris; however, it seems that Berlin is the one place that everyone knows the least about as it is overshadowed by the three other destinations.  Well,...
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By Sarah Florer When coming abroad, one of the main issues that many students face is how to be smart with money. Learning how to manage your money while abroad can be tough, and a lot of it comes from first hand experience. So I’ve created five easy ways to be smart with your money...
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I am a traveler through and through. I am German, was in exchange in Paris, spent half a year working in South Africa, strolled through Buenos Aires, hitchhiked from Munich to Istanbul, studied in Switzerland and now live in New York. Being in another country is pure energy for me. All my sensations double in intensity, I am...
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This is the biggest thing to hit Europe since the Beatles (other than every other great Bus2alps trip that was newly orchestrated, of course). Our brand new Summer Break Trips are up on our website! These tours will be 15 days long, and will take place in May and June. Be part of the next generation of travel....
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